Vaccination and Immunisation in CQRS

This page explains what the Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I) Enhanced Services are, and how claims are made using CQRS.

What are the Vaccination and Immunisation services in CQRS?

A GP contract sets out the mandatory requirements and services for all general practices. A GP contract also sets out optional agreements to deliver services in return for additional payments. These include the nationally agreed direct enhanced services (DES).

There is Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I) ) activity that can be claimed for through CQRS. They include:

  • 6 in 1 vaccination programme
  • Childhood seasonal flu
  • Hepatitis B at risk (newborn)
  • Learning Disabilities Health Check
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
  • Meningococcal ACWY and Meningococcal B
  • PCVHibMenC vaccination programme
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Pneumococcal
  • Rotavirus
  • Seasonal flu
  • Shingles

[source NHS Digital]

The V&I enhanced service is a public health service which helps to improve care by taking a proactive approach to managing population health.

Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent many infectious diseases. Vaccines teach the immune system how to create antibodies that protect from diseases. Also, if enough people are vaccinated, it’s harder for the disease to spread to those people who cannot have vaccines. [source NHS].

V&I Enhanced Service and CQRS

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) is an approval, reporting and payments system for GP practices and PCNs. It helps practices to track, monitor and declare achievement for the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), DES, and V&I programmes. [source NHS Digital]. Since 1 November 2020, CQRS has been managed by the NHS Commissioning Support Units.

CQRS National facilitates payments in support of the GP contract including the Network Contract DES. Our CQRS Local system facilitates payments in support of Locally Enhanced Schemes (LES) and Local Incentive Schemes (LIS). These are offered by GP practices to meet local population needs and priorities, and are commissioned by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

CQRS is a web-based portal that enables providers and commissioners to manage claims online. It streamlines the process of provider claims, reduces administrative time, and ensures claims are visible within a secure platform.

Data to calculate payments relating to V&I enhanced service programmes is collected monthly as a General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) extract through CQRS.

Read more about the benefits of CQRS.