
The national Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) system is managed by the CSU Collaborative.

The CSU Collaborative consists of Commissioning Support Units: Arden & GEM, Midlands and Lancashire, North of England, and South, Central & West.

Collectively, they are working together to deliver an efficient and sustainable GP payment system. 

The programme ensures continued development of the CQRS National payment system, which supports payments linked to the GP contract.

What it is used for?

We collect information from GP practices either:

  • automatically from the practice clinical records system, through the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES); or
  • manually directly into the Calculating Quality Reporting Service.

In this case, this information helps practices to track and manage their performance against various targets and enhances services frameworks set for them by NHS England.

Data is used to help track:

This data forms part of our GP Collections service.

How it works

NHS England negotiates GP contracts on an annual basis. Once completed, the service information is available through the CQRS system. Commissioning organisations, such as the NHS England regional offices, then offer out these services for GP practices to accept.

Once approved, the aggregated, participating practices share non-patient identifiable data with CQRS. Furthermore, the system calculates a Quality Service Achievement based on the data it receives, and relevant payments are made through the PCSE Online system.

Sign in to the CQRS login page using your NHS mail account.