CQRS Local User Roles

What is CQRS Local

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) is an approval, reporting and payments system for providers such as GP practices. It helps practices to track, monitor and declare achievement for the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), DES, and Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I) programmes. [source NHS Digital]. Since 1 November 2020, CQRS has been managed by the NHS Commissioning Support Units.

CQRS National facilitates payments in support of the GP contract and CQRS Local facilitates payments. They support Locally Enhanced Schemes (LES) and Local Incentive Schemes (LIS) which supplement core services. These are offered by GP practices to meet local population needs and priorities, which are commissioned by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

CQRS Local is a web-based portal. It enables providers and commissioners to manage local claims online. It streamlines the process of provider claims against local schemes. Furthermore, it reduces administrative time and ensures claims are visible within a secure platform.

CQRS Local User Roles

CQRS Local has two types of users: commissioners and providers. User roles are set up by the CQRS Local team during onboarding and provided with individual usernames and passwords. Full training in groups via MS Teams is provided and users can access e-learning modules through the CQRS Academy, FAQs, and attend engagement events to ensure they are fully competent in the use of the system.

Commissioner User Roles

Within commissioning Integrated Care Boards there are four types of users:

Administrator: users manage and set up/approve all CQRS Local accounts – whether this is a Commissioning colleague or a Service Provider. The Administrator will also revoke/disable accounts too.

Approver – Tier 1: users initially check all claims that are submitted by GP Practices. This involves checking any evidence files and general vetting of claim submissions.

Approver – Tier 2: users are typically more senior than Tier 1. They approve all claims from a financial aspect and submit for payment.

Finance (optional role): users approve claims that typically exceed £15,000 per practice (per claim). Claims fall into three categories: Low Risk (claims with payment of less than £15,000), Medium Risk (claims with payment of £15,000 to £49,999) and High Risk (claims with payments of £50,000 and above).

It isn’t recommended for Commissioner Approvers to have both Tier 1 and Tier 2 accounts. Choose one, and if required, an Administrator role can also be requested.

Providers User Roles

Within providers, such as GP practices or PCNs, there are three levels of users. Please note that most practices opt to be User – Single Level Approval.

User: Single Level Approval Practices: users prepare all claims, upload supporting evidence and submit claims to commissioners.

User: Multi-Level Approval Practices: users prepare all claims, upload supporting evidence and submit claims to commissioners.

Approver: Multi-Level Approval Practices: check all internally submitted claims and submit claim to commissioners.