National Diabetes Audit Programme

Purpose and outline

 The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) supports NHS England (NHSE) in ensuring practices meet contractual requirement set out in the GMS Contract Regulations. It ensures standardised care and improved patient outcomes and provides management information to support practices and commissioners understand their performance and identify areas for improvement.

The NDA is part of the National Clinical Audit Programme commissioned by NHSE. It was established in 2004 and measures the quality of diabetes care against the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended standards and current policies, including the NHS Five Year Forward View. It is used in a number of cardiovascular risk tools such as the Diabetes versus Expenditure Tool and Rightcare Atlas of Variation. It provides key indicators for the measurement of patient care, service improvements and quality standards. The NDA is the only source of diabetes information that offers patient-level analysis and the ability to track changes over time.

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: 1st April 2017
  • Quality service end date: 31st March 2026
  • Collection frequency: Quarterly
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (Cegedim, Emis and TPP)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • System type: GPES service