CQRS Local Demo

Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) Local is a web-based portal. It enables providers and commissioners to manage claims for locally driven schemes that reflect local priorities.

It streamlines the process of provider claims against Local Enhanced Services and Local Incentive Schemes, reduces administrative time, and ensures claims are trackable within a secure web-based platform.

Read more about the benefits of CQRS Local for commissioners and providers.

CQRS Local Demo Guide

During our demo we:

  • explain what CQRS Local is
  • discuss your current claims management process
  • understand the current services offered by your GP Practice providers
  • demonstrate the CQRS Local system including:
    – adding services
    – how to create a contract
    – how to make a claim (GP Practice users)
    – how to review and approve a claim (commissioner users)

The demo typically takes 1 hour via MS Teams.

How to arrange a CQRS Local Demo

If you are a commissioner or a GP practice / PCN and would like to arrange a CQRS Local demo, please get in touch.

Join the many Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) across England already using CQRS Local to streamline their claims management.

Book your CQRS Demo today!

Contact Us for a demo and join the many users of CQRS Local.