HPV Vaccination Programme

Purpose and outline

The HPV vaccine is routinely provided by schools. However, some students may miss the schools programme and present to their GP practice for vaccination. Vaccination is to be provided opportunistically or on request for those aged 14 up to, but not including the age of 25 years if the patient has missed the schools provision. On 5 August 2022 JCVI recommended a move from a two-dose, to a one dose schedule for the routine adolescent programme up to, but not including the age of 25 years. This change will align general practice provision with the school’s programme implemented from 1 September 2023. The change will not apply to those individuals who are known to have a HIV status or who are known to be immunocompromised who should be offered a three-dose schedule.

How this service is commissioned and provided

Regions commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England service specifications.

2025/28:Information about this service

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
  • Payment period: Monthly
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
  • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.