Letter: G
GP Retention
GP Comm Incentive Scheme
GP Red Eye
GP Retinopathy
GP Specification
GP Triage
GPWSI Sessions
Grey Basket
GTT Test Non Practice Patient
Glucose Tolerance Test
GP Basket
GP Appointments Data Collection in Support of Winter Pressures
This is a weekly, automatic collection of anonymised data from general practice appointment systems. It is used to measure capacity and utilisation in general practice, allowing healthcare managers and commissioners to plan and manage services more effectively.
This collection of anonymised appointment level data is to allow and improve the understanding of capacity and utilisation in General Practice. It will also provide a forward look of appointments scheduled. This will help inform more effective planning and management of capacity. It will also aid the understanding of seasonal pressures at national level to inform the wider strategy on the provision of services across primary and secondary care, and in improving patient access to general practice.
From April 2020 general practice will be required to categorise appointments, using a national standard that support the intention to publish GP activity and waiting times data monthly from 2021, alongside hospital data. Publication of the data will expose variation in access between networks and practice.
The data will be provided by the suppliers of Principal Clinical Systems under the GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) framework. The data will be extracted from both the GP Clinical Systems Appointment module and the consultation module.
This data collection will enable the NHS to better articulate general practice workload, understand appointment activity and utilisation and demonstrate the use of general practice across the month.
This service is on CQRS to record a GP’s agreement for data extracts to take place only. No data from this service will be recorded in CQRS and there is no payment attached to this service
For more information, please see the Direction and Data Provision Notice.
Enquiries should be sent to: primarycare.domain@nhs.net
Information about this service:
- Quality service start date: 1st March 2020
- Quality service end date: 31st March 2026
- Collection frequency: N/A
- Manual or automatic entry: N/A
- Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and Emis)
- Co-commissioning: No
- Service type: CQRS participation-only service
N/A – there are no payment counts or read codes associated with this appointments collection
GP Workload Collection
Purpose and outline
The GP Workload Collection will build on the existing Patient Online Management Information (POMI) data collection, which has been in place for a number of years. The existing POMI data collection is facilitated by the 4 principal general practice system suppliers providing management information (in the form of non-identifiable data) to NHS Digital on a monthly basis.
NHS Digital are expanding the existing POMI data collection to form this GP Workload Collection This will result in NHS Digital collecting an increased amount of data from general practices specifically around appointments. This GP Workload Collection will comprise the collection of the following:
- appointments – demographics, status and dates to calculate the TNA (Third Next Available Appointment)
- electronic Prescriptions – orders and repeats
- functionality of GP systems – access for patients to their medical records and test results
This GP Workload Collection will still be facilitated in the same way as the existing POMI data collection. The four principal general practice system suppliers will provide non-identifiable data to NHS Digital on a monthly basis.
This data collection will enable the NHS to better articulate general practice workload, understand appointment activity and utilisation and demonstrate the use of general practice across the month.
The information will be published via NHS Digital’s website following validation of the data and consultation with the GP professional groups.
How this service is commissioned and provided
This service is commissioned by NHS England.
Information about this service:
- Quality service start date: 1 April 2015
- Quality service end date: 31 March 2024
- Payment period: No payment
- Collection frequency: Monthly
- Manual or automatic entry: Automatic extraction
- Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and EMIS)
- Co-commissioning: No
- Service type: CQRS participation-only service
Payment count/clinical codes
Patient Online Management Information (POMI)
Online patient services provided by GP practices including: booking or cancelling appointments, ordering of repeat prescriptions and access to coded information in records.
Patient Online is an NHS England programme designed to support GP Practices to offer and promote online services to patients, including booking and cancelling appointments, ordering of repeat prescriptions and access to coded information in records.
What you can find out
This workbook provides an overview of key Patient Online Management Information (POMI) data from the latest reporting month. There is a national-level summary, a practice-level page, and some more detailed CCG-level data (which provides comparisons to regional and national level values).
What the report can’t tell you
The data relate to online services only; the report cannot tell you how many appointments were booked overall, or the level of appointment availability. The data are collected in an aggregate level from each GP practice, which means individual patients can’t be identified.
GP2DRS (Diabetic Eye Screening Programme)
GP2DRS (Diabetic Eye Screening Programme)
Screening is the process of identifying people who appear healthy, but who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition. It’s different to diagnosis and there will always be some false positive and false negative results.
Purpose and outline
Evidence shows that early identification and treatment of diabetic eye disease could reduce sight loss. The main treatment for diabetic retinopathy is laser surgery.
The eligible population for diabetic eye screening are people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes aged 12 or over. Those already under the care of an ophthalmology specialist for the condition are not invited for screening. The programme offers pregnant women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes additional tests because of the risk of developing retinopathy.
How this service is commissioned and provided
This service is commissioned by Public Health England.
Information about this service:
- Quality service start date: Please contact your RLO
- Quality service end date: Please contact your RLO
- Payment period: No payment
- Collection frequency: Monthly
- Manual or automatic entry: Automatic
- Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cedgidim and Emis)
- Co-commissioning: No
- Service type: Non quality service for direct patient care.
- Payment count/clinical codes
- No payment attached.
General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) Data Provision Notice
The purpose of this data collection is to improve the process for inviting patients to attend an eye screening appointment. This requirement is being implemented by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) on behalf of Public Health England (PHE).
General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) is a system which automates the sharing of patient information between general practices and local diabetic eye screening programmes. This makes the process easier by extracting the information directly from General Practice (GP) systems and removing the need for manual processing.
This is an established data collection. Data is extracted monthly.GP2DRS (Diabetic Eye Screening Programme)
Screening is the process of identifying people who appear healthy, but who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition. It’s different to diagnosis and there will always be some false positive and false negative results.
Purpose and outline
Evidence shows that early identification and treatment of diabetic eye disease could reduce sight loss. The main treatment for diabetic retinopathy is laser surgery.
The eligible population for diabetic eye screening are people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes aged 12 or over. Those already under the care of an ophthalmology specialist for the condition are not invited for screening. The programme offers pregnant women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes additional tests because of the risk of developing retinopathy.
How this service is commissioned and provided
This service is commissioned by Public Health England.
Information about this service:
- Quality service start date: Please contact your RLO
- Quality service end date: Please contact your RLO
- Payment period: No payment
- Collection frequency: Monthly
- Manual or automatic entry: Automatic
- Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cedgidim and Emis)
- Co-commissioning: No
- Service type: Non quality service for direct patient care.
- Payment count/clinical codes
- No payment attached.
General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) Data Provision Notice
The purpose of this data collection is to improve the process for inviting patients to attend an eye screening appointment. This requirement is being implemented by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) on behalf of Public Health England (PHE).
General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) is a system which automates the sharing of patient information between general practices and local diabetic eye screening programmes. This makes the process easier by extracting the information directly from General Practice (GP) systems and removing the need for manual processing.
This is an established data collection. Data is extracted monthly.