
CQRS Local Benefits

CQRS Local delivers benefits to commissioners and providers


Using the Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) Local, Commissioners will see several benefits:

  • a reduction in time spent developing and administering local payments via spreadsheets
  • a standard and consistent approach to system configuration and administration
  • ability to track and audit data submissions through a single, more secure central point of access
  • view variations in practice/uptake across local providers to inform decision-making
  • access to external system support teams
  • integrated, seamless participation management
  • increased reporting functionality
  • easier integration with other commissioning organisations, if required, in future
  • role based access
  • manage Bulk Claims made on behalf of multiple providers.

Learn about the benefits from commissioning organisations who are using CQRS Local. You can view more videos on our YouTube channel.

Ross Hetherington, Primary Care Manager for Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, tells us about some of the benefits.

Primary Care providers

CQRS Local has been built with input from general practices and offers several benefits:

  • flexibility in managing local incentives schemes through a payment tool that leads to prompt payments
  • a single point of access for local and national claims
  • payments made directly to the practice bank account, in the same way as national payments
  • a reduction in the administrative overhead of submitting Excel-based claims
  • a reduced risk of inaccurate claims
  • no need for practices to submit invoices following the approval of a claim
  • the ability to track all stages of the claims process following submission
  • enhanced reporting capability for reconciliation of payment, making it easier for providers to understand what payments have been made against the activities claimed
  • manage Bulk Claims made on behalf of multiple providers.

Role-based access

The system allows organisation is able to self-manage role-based access. Each organisation is able to assign an administrator who has the ability to approve colleagues’ accounts instantly which enhances the user experience of signing up to CQRS Local.

This approval of user accounts allows organisations to verify access themselves. The variety of different user roles available can limit or enable users to their required access levels in the system e.g. an administrator can approve a claim submitted by a generic user account.

Get involved

Our user group meets remotely monthly to support the continued development of CQRS Local.

The user group helps to drive system developments and improvements, and define how it is deployed to users across England.

If you would like to get involved or book a demo, please email our Training and Implementation Lead, David O’Brien:

Contact Us for a demo and join the many users of CQRS Local