Integrated Care Boards

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) supports the work of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in their role as commissioners of local healthcare services.

CQRS National and ICBs

CQRS National facilitates payments in support of the GP contract for Direct Enhanced Services (DES). Its use is a mandatory requirement by NHS England. Information is automatically collected by CQRS National from practice clinical records systems through the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES). The CQRS National calculates a Quality Service Achievement based on the data received, and relevant payments are made.

CQRS Local and ICBs

CQRS Local supports the management of voluntary Locally Enhanced Schemes(LES) commissioned by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). It streamlines the process of provider claims against local schemes, reduces administrative time. Furthermore, it ensures claims are trackable within a secure web-based platform with reporting features.

There is no limit to the number of services commissioned on CQRS Local. CQRS Local allows ICBs to define the services based on local needs. This means that different services can have different tariffs and be offered to different providers. ICBs can also offer participation only services. CQRS Local is used by a growing number of ICBs across England.

Map demonstrating how many ICB's have onboarded to CQRS Local. Date taken December 2023. Currently Live ICBs: 19. Currently Client ICBs: 4. In Progress: 5. Not Onboard: 14
  • Data correct as of 31 December 2023

Read more about the benefits of CQRS Local.

Changes to CQRS following introduction of ICBs

In 2023, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) replaced Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). They have delegated responsibility from NHS England to commission primary medical services under GP contracts and commission Local Enhanced Services (LES).

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is a national service that manages reference information about organisations that are involved in health and social care in England. These include GP practices and independent sector healthcare providers. Furthermore, the ODS publish and issue unique identification codes for these organisations and their sites and the ODS codes are used in CQRS.

Labelling Changes in CQRS

Finally, this resulted in labelling changes being made within CQRS, changing CCG to Sub ICB Location and Sustainable Transformation Partnership (STP) to ICB. Additionally, the CQRS team worked closely with NHS England to apply these ODS changes. Subsequently, this ensured that the commissioning relationship to association Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and GP Practices was also updated.

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CQRS National: CCGs to ICBs FAQs

What is happening to organisation codes to support the transition to Integrated Care Board (ICBs)? 

The NHS Digital ODS team are completing the change to organisation data in two phases. In phase one launching on 01 July, this means that the current CCGs will be retained within their system and referred to as the “Sub ICB Location”. CQRS National will follow this organisational setup because CQRS utilises ODS data.

The NHS Digital team will then be engaging with ICBs to plan the second phase of the changes. We expect that the second phase of the changes will be completed in April 2023. Although the implications for CQRS are not yet fully confirmed. More information about the ODS changes can be found on the NHS Digital website. 

What do commissioners need to do before 01 July 2022 to ensure that things continue to work as planned?

If you will be responsible for a new Sub ICB location, please ensure that you are added to the associated CCG prior to 01 July.

If you require access to view activity across a full ICB / multiple Sub ICB Locations, please ensure that you are added to the relevant Sustainable Transformation Partnership (STP) prior to 01 July. Please note that STP/ICB level access is read only – all commissioning activities such as approvals in CQRS will be restricted to roles within the ICB Sub Location.

What do the ICB changes mean for existing users? 

Current users of the system will maintain their current access to CQRS. CQRS will automatically be reconfigured from your current STP and CCG, to your new ICB and ICB Sub Location. The commissioning relationship for the associated PCNs / Practices will also be updated. The commissioning of services and payment approvals will still take place under Sub ICB location (CCG) and commissioning regions where appropriate. 

I am new to CQRS, how do I get a CQRS user account? 

If the access required is at ICB level then the commissioning region will need to create an account, or a user with the ‘User Administrator’ role can also do this.  

Will anything change in the system following the ICB changes? 

The system will look and process the same; however the labelling of a CCG will be changed to Sub ICB Location, and the labelling of a Sustainable Transformation Partnership (STP) will be changed to Integrated Care Board (ICB). 

Will I still require access to the old Sub ICB Location (CCG) as well as the ICB?  

Yes, to continue to commission services for organisations within that Sub ICB Location (CCG). Approvals will still be carried out for current and historic achievements under the Sub ICB Location (CCG). 

How will the ICB codes be displayed?  

Either two letters followed by a number or three letters. 

Will user’s access rights need to be changed for those that were not in a CCG, but in an ICB? 

This will depend on user responsibilities within the ICB. If you are a new user and only require reporting, then no further organisations will need to be added to your user account as reporting will be available at the ICB level. If you are a new user who has responsibilities for commissioning services and approving payments, then the appropriate Sub ICB Locations (CCGs) will need to be added as an organisation to the user account by your commissioning region. 

Will commissioning organisations that are merging under one ICB automatically get access to the other commissioning organisations within the ICB in CQRS? 

No – permissions will need to be added for the STP prior to 01 July if you wish to have the relevant permissions at the point of the ICB cutover, permission changes after this point will also still be available. As referenced above, to conduct commissioning activities you will require the SUB ICB Location. The STP access will provide the ability to view at ICB level only, providing a reporting view of all associated Sub ICB Locations for their ICB from 01 July. 

How do I request additional access? 

Local administrators are in place to provide access required, please contact the CQRS service desk if you are unsure who to contact. 

If I want access to the ICB, who can action this at what level?  

A “User Administrator” of the commissioning region or ICB.

Where can I find additional information on the ICB changes? 

For NHSEI general information on ICB changes, visit:

For information regarding ICB updates to Primary Care Support England (PCSE), please visit: PCSE – ICB HUB

CQRS Local: CCGs to ICBs FAQs

What is happening to organisation codes to support the transition to ICBs? 

The NHS Digital ODS team are completing the change to organisation data in two phases. This means that the current CCGs will be retained within their system and referred to as the “Sub ICB Location”. The NHS Digital team will then be engaging with ICBs to plan the second phase of the changes. We expect that the second phase of the changes (expected later in the financial year or in early 23/24) will see the Sub ICB locations be updated to reflect local decisions with respect to “place”. 

Will anything change in the CQRS Local system following the ICB changes?  

The system will look and process the same, however the labelling of a CCG will be changed to Sub ICB location. 

What do the ICB changes mean for existing users?  

Current users of the system will maintain their current access to CQRS Local. CQRS Local will automatically be reconfigured from CCG, to your new ICB and ICB Sub Location.

The commissioning relationship for the associated practices will also be updated. The commissioning of services and payment approvals will still take place under Sub ICB Location (CCG) and Commissioning Regions where appropriate. 

What do commissioning organisations need to do before 01 July 2022 to ensure that things continue to work as planned?  

No actions are required for commissioners on CQRS Local

Will commissioning organisations that are merging under one ICB automatically get access to the other commissioning organisations within the ICB in CQRS? 

No – as referenced above, to conduct commissioning activities you will require the Sub ICB Location. However, we intend to introduce commissioning at an ICB level as a future feature of CQRS Local.