PCV Hib/Men C Vaccination Programme


This vaccine boosts protection against Hib disease and protects against meningococcal disease caused by type C Neisseria meningitidis bacteria. It is given at 12-13 months in the UK schedule. The Hib/MenC vaccine was introduced in 2006 as a result of studies which showed that protection against Hib provided by the 5-in-1 vaccine given in the first year waned during the second year of life. It is a combination vaccine, which reduces the number of injections a child needs.

This childhood vaccination programme commissioned from GP practices. Currently there is no standard payment tool to support this programme and therefore has previously required local solutions which puts additional workload burdens on both the GP practice and NHS england local teams.

By creating a manual payment portal on CQRS, we provide a single national solution that will reduce the burden and deliver a solution which links to the national payment solutions.

Purpose and outline

The purpose is to calculate, report and pay for activity undertaken in line with contractual agreement.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This is a GMS contract additional service included in the core GP contract.

The requirements for this programme are set out in the Statement of Financial Entitlements: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nhs-primary-medical-services-directions-2013

Clinical guidance can be found in the relevant chapter of the Green Book: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/immunisation-against-infectious-disease-the-green-book

    2022/25: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2022
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2025
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation programme

    To access this service on CQRS, please check that you have access to the correct service type. In CQRS, select ‘My Account’ from the top of the page to see a full list of all viewable services. If you do not have access to this type of service, ask your user administrator to update your profile.

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

    NHS England, guidance and technical requirements will be published here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/commissioning/gp-contract/

    The legal documents (Regulations, DES Directions and the Statement of Financial Entitlements) underpinning the GMS contract for [year] can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gp-contract-directions-2019-to-2020

    The requirements for this Service are covered by the SFE.

    Your Regional Local Offices (RLO) have the option of using CQRS to manage this service or to continue to use local process. If your RLO decides to administer the service via CQRS, your practice will receive an offer message through CQRS.

    Payment count/clinical codes

    Commissioners and practice should refer to our supporting business rules for information on management information counts and clinical codes.

    Further information to support users can be found on the SNOMED CT Implementation in Primary Care site, including Codes to support Technical Requirements 18-19 – a document providing appropriate Read v2 and CTV3 codes for SNOMED CT concept ID.

    Pertussis in Pregnant Women Vaccination Programme

    Purpose and outline

    The purpose of the service specification is to enable NHS England to commission pertussis in pregnant women immunisation services of sufficient quantity and quality to prevent the infections and outbreaks caused by these organisms

    The JCVI advised that pertussis in pregnant women vaccination programme should be extended for at least 5 years. JCVI considered that immunisation could be offered at one of the routine antenatal appointments and that immunisation within weeks 16 to 32 of pregnancy is likely to be optimal. Immunisation within weeks 16 to 38 of pregnancy may ensure greater overlap between the period of maximal antibody levels in the pregnant woman and the period of trans placental antibody transfer. Offering immunisation from 28 weeks would provide some protection to infants born prematurely who may be particularly vulnerable to complications from pertussis.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service from GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

    Physical health checks for people with severe mental illness


    NHS England and NHS Improvement is committed to leading work to ensure that “by 2020-21, 280,000 people living with SMI have their physical health needs met by increasing early detection and expanding access to evidence-based physical care assessment and intervention each year”. This equates to a target of 60% of people on the General Practice SMI register receiving a full and comprehensive physical health check across primary and secondary care. To ensure monitoring drives the right clinical behaviour, it is crucial that NHSE and NHSI is able to monitor delivery of the full comprehensive health check and to collect benchmarking information on the uptake of the corresponding relevant follow-up interventions and access to national cancer screening programmes. In addition, in order to understand the impact of the health checks and provide rapid and ongoing policy evaluation, it is important to understand physical health outcomes. Patient-level information is required to monitor these outcomes.

    Purpose and outline

    The purpose is to calculate, report and pay for activity undertaken in line with contractual agreement.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    NHS England service specification, guidance and technical requirements will be published at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/gp/investment/gp-contract/

    Information about this service:

    • Participation only in CQRS
    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2020
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2026
    • Collection frequency: Annually
    • Manual or automatic entry: Manual data collection

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

    Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination (PPV) Programme

    Purpose and outline

    The pneumococcal vaccines protect against pneumococcal infections caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia. The pneumococcus is one of the most frequently reported causes of bacteraemia and meningitis and it is the commonest cause of community-acquired pneumonia.

    Invasive pneumococcal disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality and can affect anyone. However, it particularly affects the very young, the elderly and those with impaired immunity or chronic conditions.

    This programme delivers vaccinations for patients aged 65 or over and at-risk patients aged 2 years to 64 years inclusive.

    PPV is the only vaccine recommended for the patients eligible under this programme (PCV if for smaller children) and only one dose is required per patient which provides life-time cover. For a small number of at-risk patients, vaccination every five years is required.

    Practices are only paid for vaccinations carried out by the practice, not for those given by other providers.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service from GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.