Cloud Based Telephony

Purpose and outline

NHS England has agreed to make a change to the GP Contract in 2024/25 to require practices to provide Cloud Based Telephony (CBT) data to NHS England. This follows a major funded programme (as part of the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan (PCARP)) to ensure that all practices have digital telephony systems in place. Telephony data will provide important demand data which will provide significant value to national policy makers as well as Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). 

Via the Advanced Telephony Better Purchasing framework, practices can purchase CBT systems from assured system providers. These system providers will be required to support the practices and the national programme with increased reporting functionality (call level data) meaning that practices do not face additional administrative burden.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This service is commissioned by NHS England.

Information about this service

Quality service start date: 1 October 2024

Quality service end date: 31 March 2030

Payment period: N/A – contractual requirement with no funding attached, participation only service in CQRS.

System type: Core contract.

National Diabetes Audit Programme

Purpose and outline

 The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) supports NHS England (NHSE) in ensuring practices meet contractual requirement set out in the GMS Contract Regulations. It ensures standardised care and improved patient outcomes and provides management information to support practices and commissioners understand their performance and identify areas for improvement.

The NDA is part of the National Clinical Audit Programme commissioned by NHSE. It was established in 2004 and measures the quality of diabetes care against the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended standards and current policies, including the NHS Five Year Forward View. It is used in a number of cardiovascular risk tools such as the Diabetes versus Expenditure Tool and Rightcare Atlas of Variation. It provides key indicators for the measurement of patient care, service improvements and quality standards. The NDA is the only source of diabetes information that offers patient-level analysis and the ability to track changes over time.

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: 1st April 2017
  • Quality service end date: 31st March 2026
  • Collection frequency: Quarterly
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (Cegedim, Emis and TPP)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • System type: GPES service

National Obesity Audit

Purpose and outline

The purpose of the NOA service is to support NHS England to see the landscape of care and resources available for people living with overweight and obesity. It ensures standardised care and improved patient outcomes and provides relevant management information to support providers and commissioners understand their performance and to ensure they meet their contractual requirements.

It provides the ability to monitor aspects of the National Obesity Strategy including the impact of additional weight management services as well as commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This service is offered out by NHS England for GP practices to Accept

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: 1 October 2023
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2025
  • Payment period: Participation only service in CQRS.

Online & Video Consultation (OCVC) Extended Collection

Purpose and outline

Online and video consultations (OC/VC) are part of the NHS Long Term Plan and were integral to primary care’s response to Covid-19. The purpose of this collection is to formalise the standard data collection of OC/VCs undertaken in general practice, beyond the national Covid-19 response and to provide vital information to practices and local commissioners on implementation support/resource and how these systems are used.

 The service has no indicators because it only facilitates agreement for the data to be collected. Practices will not receive a payment for participating in this data collection as it is a legal requirement for practices to sign up to this Data Provision Notice. The collection will support Primary Care Network (PCN) payments on the use of online consultation tools as part of the Investment and Impact Funding Scheme.

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: 5th November 2021
  • Quality service end date: 31st March 2027
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (Cegedim, Emis and TPP)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • System type: GPES service

Physical health checks for people with severe mental illness


NHS England and NHS Improvement is committed to leading work to ensure that “by 2020-21, 280,000 people living with SMI have their physical health needs met by increasing early detection and expanding access to evidence-based physical care assessment and intervention each year”. This equates to a target of 60% of people on the General Practice SMI register receiving a full and comprehensive physical health check across primary and secondary care. To ensure monitoring drives the right clinical behaviour, it is crucial that NHSE and NHSI is able to monitor delivery of the full comprehensive health check and to collect benchmarking information on the uptake of the corresponding relevant follow-up interventions and access to national cancer screening programmes. In addition, in order to understand the impact of the health checks and provide rapid and ongoing policy evaluation, it is important to understand physical health outcomes. Patient-level information is required to monitor these outcomes.

Purpose and outline

The purpose is to calculate, report and pay for activity undertaken in line with contractual agreement.

How this service is commissioned and provided

NHS England service specification, guidance and technical requirements will be published at:

Information about this service:

  • Participation only in CQRS
  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2020
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2026
  • Collection frequency: Annually
  • Manual or automatic entry: Manual data collection

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

GP Appointments Data Collection in Support of Winter Pressures

This is a weekly, automatic collection of anonymised data from general practice appointment systems. It is used to measure capacity and utilisation in general practice, allowing healthcare managers and commissioners to plan and manage services more effectively.

This collection of anonymised appointment level data is to allow and improve the understanding of capacity and utilisation in General Practice. It will also provide a forward look of appointments scheduled. This will help inform more effective planning and management of capacity. It will also aid the understanding of seasonal pressures at national level to inform the wider strategy on the provision of services across primary and secondary care, and in improving patient access to general practice.

From April 2020 general practice will be required to categorise appointments, using a national standard that support the intention to publish GP activity and waiting times data monthly from 2021, alongside hospital data. Publication of the data will expose variation in access between networks and practice.

The data will be provided by the suppliers of Principal Clinical Systems under the GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) framework. The data will be extracted from both the GP Clinical Systems Appointment module and the consultation module.

This data collection will enable the NHS to better articulate general practice workload, understand appointment activity and utilisation and demonstrate the use of general practice across the month.

This service is on CQRS to record a GP’s agreement for data extracts to take place only. No data from this service will be recorded in CQRS and there is no payment attached to this service

For more information, please see the Direction and Data Provision Notice.

Enquiries should be sent to:

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: 1st March 2020
  • Quality service end date: 31st March 2026
  • Collection frequency: N/A
  • Manual or automatic entry: N/A
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and Emis)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • Service type: CQRS participation-only service

N/A – there are no payment counts or read codes associated with this appointments collection

GP Workload Collection

Purpose and outline

The GP Workload Collection will build on the existing Patient Online Management Information (POMI) data collection, which has been in place for a number of years. The existing POMI data collection is facilitated by the 4 principal general practice system suppliers providing management information (in the form of non-identifiable data) to NHS Digital on a monthly basis.

NHS Digital are expanding the existing POMI data collection to form this GP Workload Collection This will result in NHS Digital collecting an increased amount of data from general practices specifically around appointments. This GP Workload Collection will comprise the collection of the following:

  • appointments – demographics, status and dates to calculate the TNA (Third Next Available Appointment)
  • electronic Prescriptions – orders and repeats
  • functionality of GP systems – access for patients to their medical records and test results

This GP Workload Collection will still be facilitated in the same way as the existing POMI data collection. The four principal general practice system suppliers will provide non-identifiable data to NHS Digital on a monthly basis.

This data collection will enable the NHS to better articulate general practice workload, understand appointment activity and utilisation and demonstrate the use of general practice across the month.

The information will be published via NHS Digital’s website following validation of the data and consultation with the GP professional groups.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This service is commissioned by NHS England.

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2015
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2024
  • Payment period: No payment
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic extraction
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and EMIS)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • Service type: CQRS participation-only service

Payment count/clinical codes


Patient Online Management Information (POMI)

Online patient services provided by GP practices including: booking or cancelling appointments, ordering of repeat prescriptions and access to coded information in records.

Patient Online is an NHS England programme designed to support GP Practices to offer and promote online services to patients, including booking and cancelling appointments, ordering of repeat prescriptions and access to coded information in records.

What you can find out

This workbook provides an overview of key Patient Online Management Information (POMI) data from the latest reporting month. There is a national-level summary, a practice-level page, and some more detailed CCG-level data (which provides comparisons to regional and national level values).

What the report can’t tell you

The data relate to online services only; the report cannot tell you how many appointments were booked overall, or the level of appointment availability. The data are collected in an aggregate level from each GP practice, which means individual patients can’t be identified.

GP2DRS (Diabetic Eye Screening Programme)

GP2DRS (Diabetic Eye Screening Programme)

Screening is the process of identifying people who appear healthy, but who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition. It’s different to diagnosis and there will always be some false positive and false negative results.

Purpose and outline

Evidence shows that early identification and treatment of diabetic eye disease could reduce sight loss. The main treatment for diabetic retinopathy is laser surgery.

The eligible population for diabetic eye screening are people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes aged 12 or over. Those already under the care of an ophthalmology specialist for the condition are not invited for screening. The programme offers pregnant women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes additional tests because of the risk of developing retinopathy.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This service is commissioned by Public Health England.

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: Please contact your RLO
  • Quality service end date: Please contact your RLO
  • Payment period: No payment
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cedgidim and Emis)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • Service type: Non quality service for direct patient care.
  • Payment count/clinical codes
  • No payment attached.

General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) Data Provision Notice

The purpose of this data collection is to improve the process for inviting patients to attend an eye screening appointment. This requirement is being implemented by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) on behalf of Public Health England (PHE).

General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) is a system which automates the sharing of patient information between general practices and local diabetic eye screening programmes. This makes the process easier by extracting the information directly from General Practice (GP) systems and removing the need for manual processing.


This is an established data collection. Data is extracted monthly.GP2DRS (Diabetic Eye Screening Programme)

Screening is the process of identifying people who appear healthy, but who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition. It’s different to diagnosis and there will always be some false positive and false negative results.

Purpose and outline

Evidence shows that early identification and treatment of diabetic eye disease could reduce sight loss. The main treatment for diabetic retinopathy is laser surgery.

The eligible population for diabetic eye screening are people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes aged 12 or over. Those already under the care of an ophthalmology specialist for the condition are not invited for screening. The programme offers pregnant women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes additional tests because of the risk of developing retinopathy.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This service is commissioned by Public Health England.

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: Please contact your RLO
  • Quality service end date: Please contact your RLO
  • Payment period: No payment
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cedgidim and Emis)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • Service type: Non quality service for direct patient care.
  • Payment count/clinical codes
  • No payment attached.

General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) Data Provision Notice

The purpose of this data collection is to improve the process for inviting patients to attend an eye screening appointment. This requirement is being implemented by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) on behalf of Public Health England (PHE).

General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS) is a system which automates the sharing of patient information between general practices and local diabetic eye screening programmes. This makes the process easier by extracting the information directly from General Practice (GP) systems and removing the need for manual processing.


This is an established data collection. Data is extracted monthly.

Core GP Contract

Purpose and outline

The purpose of the Service is to support NHS England in ensuring practices are meeting contractual requirement as set out in the GMS Contract Regulations. This Service ensures standardised care and improved patient outcomes and provides the relevant management information to support practices and commissioners understand their performance and ensure they meet their core GMS contract requirements. 

Named GP, the Identification and Management of Patients with Frailty, dementia and alcohol are separate contractual requirements combined in this Service. An indicator counting the number of unpaid carers has been included to support delivery of government and Long Term Plan commitments on unpaid carers.

For the frailty service practices will be required to use an appropriate tool, for example the Electronic Frailty Index (eFI), to identify patients aged 65 and over who are living with moderate and severe frailty.

How this service is commissioned and provided

NHS England Regional teams and Sub ICB Locations commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England GP Contract Information

Information about this service:

Quality service start date: 1 April 2022

Quality service end date: 31 March 2026

Payment period: N/A – contractual requirement with no funding attached, participation only service in CQRS.

Collection frequency: Annual

System type: Core Contract

    Page updated: 19 February 2025

    Dementia Data Extract

    Purpose and outline

    This data extract is designed to collect detailed information from GP practices on the patients who are, or may be, at risk of dementia. It will also collect data about patients diagnosed as living with dementia and the care they receive, and information about patients with dementia who are prescribed anti-psychotic drugs.

    A practice will make an opportunistic offer of assessment for dementia to ‘at-risk’ registered patients, where the practitioner considers it clinically appropriate to make such an offer. Where an offer of assessment has been agreed by a patient, the practice will provide the assessment. An opportunistic offer is an offer made during a routine consultation with a patient identified as ‘at risk’, and where there is clinical evidence to support the offer.

    When deciding to offer an assessment, practitioners are expected to use their clinical judgement and take into account any concerns raised by the patient or their carer.

    Evidence suggests that dementia diagnosis rates in BAME groups and seldom heard communities are particularly poor; therefore the challenge recognises the importance of improving the diagnosis of dementia for such individuals. This provides the justification for adding ethnicity counts to this data collection, as the number of patients with a dementia diagnosis in their clinical record, broken down by ethnicity, is not currently collected.

    Anti-psychotic medication is sometimes used to control behavioural problems in patients with dementia. This practice can be very damaging to those patients and is discouraged. This collection will allow monitoring of the level of this prescribing with the intention that there will be a sustained decrease over time.

    This service is on CQRS to record a GPs agreement for data extracts to take place only. No data from this service will be recorded in CQRS and there is no payment attached to this service.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Dementia assessment is now a core contract requirement to be offered when the attending GP believes it’s clinically appropriate. It was identified as part of the 2016-17 General Medical Services (GMS) contract agreement with the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) that NHS England will continue to collect dementia activity data, in order to inform future decision making linked to dementia care.

    There is no service specification as this is now a core contract requirement.

    Information about this service:

    • Quality service start date: 01 October 2017
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2023
    • Payment period: N/A
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, INPS, Microtest and Emis)
    • Co-commissioning: No
    • System type: GPES service (Core contract)

    MI counts/clinical codes

    Commissioners and practice should refer to our supporting business rules for information on management information counts and clinical codes.

    Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Audit

    Purpose and outline

    CVD prevent is a national primary care audit to support professionally led quality improvement in the prevention of cardiovascular events in people with and without pre-existing CVD through the detection and management of significant risk factors, including atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, non-diabetic hyperglycaemia, and chronic kidney disease (NHS RightCare CVD Prevention Pathway). The audit will automatically extract routinely held GP data via the general practice extraction service (GPES) and there will be no additional data burden for GPs.

    Information about this service:

    • Participation only in CQRS
    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2020
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2026
    • Collection frequency: Annually