About CQRS

CQRS is a web-based reporting and payments system for primary care

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) is an approvals, reporting and payments calculation system used by Commissioners and GP and Primary Care Network (PCN) providers. It helps practices to track, monitor and declare achievement for the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), Directed Enhanced Services (DES) and Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I) Services.

There are two CQRS systems:

The National Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) facilitates payments in support of the GP Contract for Directed Enhanced Services (DES), Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), and Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I) services. Its use is a mandatory requirement by NHS England. Information is automatically collected by CQRS from practice clinical records systems through the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES).

The CQRS Local system enables commissioners and primary care providers to manage their localised incentive schemes. It is a separate system to CQRS national claims, and its use is not currently mandated by NHS England.

What is CQRS used for?

CQRS National

CQRS National collects information from GP practices either:

  • automatically from the practice clinical records systems through the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES); or
  • manually directly into the Calculating Quality Reporting Service National system.

This information helps GP practices track and manage their performance against various targets and enhanced services frameworks set by NHS England.

Data is used to help track:

This data forms part of the GP Collections service.

CQRS Local

CQRS Local is a web-based claims management system that helps commissioners manage Local Incentive Schemes delivered by primary care providers. It streamlines the claims management administration for commissioners and offers prompt payments for primary care providers.

A range of NHS Services can be commissioned through Local Incentive Schemes which are defined by commissioners and based on local needs.

Non-urgent advice: Services available through CQRS

Find out about the NHS services available through CQRS.

How CQRS works

National Claims

NHS England negotiates GP contracts on an annual basis. Once completed, the service information is available through the CQRS National claims system. Commissioning organisations, such as NHS England regional offices, offer out these services for GP practices to accept.

Once approved, the aggregated, participating practices share non-patient identifiable data with CQRS. The system calculates a Quality Service Achievement based on the data it receives, and relevant payments are made through the PCSE Online system.

Local Claims

Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) commission Local Enhanced Services and Local Incentive Schemes which supplement core primary care services. These additional services meet local population needs and priorities and are delivered through primary care providers.

Providers prepare all claims, upload supporting evidence and submit claims to commissioners. Commissioners manage and approve all CQRS Local claims’ user accounts, review claims and evidence, and approve claims and submit for payment.

Read more about commissioner user roles and provider user roles.

How to access CQRS

To access CQRS, users log in with a single sign on which uses multi-factor authentication (MFA). If you are a new user and your practice manager has agreed you can access the systems, your commissioner or user admin within your practice will set you up as a user and send you an account registration link.

Non-urgent advice: I want to submit National Claims

Payments in support of the GP contract including Directed Enhanced Services (DES), Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), and Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I) services.

More about CQRS National for Commissioners
More about CQRS National for GP Practices

Non-urgent advice: I want to submit Local Claims

Supports claims by primary care providers for the delivery of Local Enhanced Services (LES) which reflect local priorities commissioned by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

More about CQRS Local for Commissioners
More about CQRS Local for GP Practices

Help and support with CQRS

Requests to reset passwords or unlock system accounts must be sent by email from your NHS email account. The team are unable to manage these requests by phone.

Further help is also available in our training area.

Non-urgent advice: Need help?

If you need help with CQRS, you can log a call with the service desk. Please email: support@cqrs.co.uk or callĀ 0330 124 4039.

Further information

Read more about CQRS in our latest news, case studies and blogs.

Explore CQRS Local by arranging a Demo.

Contact the team if you are interested in running a CQRS Local Pilot.

Who manages CQRS?

CQRS is managed by the CSU Collaborative.

The CSU Collaborative consists of NHS Commissioning Support Units (CSUs): Arden & Greater East Midlands, Midlands and Lancashire, North of England, and South, Central & West. They work together to deliver an efficient and sustainable GP payment system.

The NHS England funded programme ensures continued development of both the CQRS National Claims payment system and the CQRS Local Claims management system.

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