This page explains what the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is, and how it relates to CQRS.
What is the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF)?
The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is an incentive programme for GP practices in England. It forms part of the General Medical Services (GMS) GP contract.
QOF consists of five components (or domains):
- Clinical
- Public health
- Public health – additional services
- Public health – vaccination and immunisation
- Quality improvement
QOF gives an indication of achievement for a GP practice across a set of measures (or indicators). GP practices score points according to their level of achievement. [Source NHS England].
The aim of QOF is to reward GP practices for the provision of quality care and helps to fund further improvements in the delivery of clinical care. QOF points are achieved based on the proportions of patients on defined disease registers who receive defined interventions. [source NHS Digital].
QOF data is collected to support payments to GP practices which are calculated from the achievement scores allocated to each indicator. QOF data is also used by the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England to inform policy, to Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) for monitoring and commissioning, to Public Health England for prevalence analysis, and other secondary users of the data. [source NHS Digital]
QOF does not provide a comprehensive source of data on quality of care in GP practices.
For further information about QOF visit the NHS Digital website.
The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) is an approval, reporting and payments system for GP practices and PCNs. It helps practices to track, monitor and declare achievement for the QOF, Direct Enhanced Services (DES), and Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I) programmes. [source NHS Digital]. Since 1 November 2020, CQRS has been managed by the NHS Commissioning Support Units.
CQRS National facilitates payments in support of the GP contract including the Network Contract DES and CQRS Local facilitates payments in support of locally enhanced schemes (LES) and local incentive schemes (LIS) which are offered by GP practices to meet local population needs and priorities, and are commissioned by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).
Read more about QOF payments, CQRS reporting collections and QOF frequently asked questions.