Cloud Based Telephony

Purpose and outline

NHS England has agreed to make a change to the GP Contract in 2024/25 to require practices to provide Cloud Based Telephony (CBT) data to NHS England. This follows a major funded programme (as part of the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan (PCARP)) to ensure that all practices have digital telephony systems in place. Telephony data will provide important demand data which will provide significant value to national policy makers as well as Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). 

Via the Advanced Telephony Better Purchasing framework, practices can purchase CBT systems from assured system providers. These system providers will be required to support the practices and the national programme with increased reporting functionality (call level data) meaning that practices do not face additional administrative burden.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This service is commissioned by NHS England.

Information about this service

Quality service start date: 1 October 2024

Quality service end date: 31 March 2030

Payment period: N/A – contractual requirement with no funding attached, participation only service in CQRS.

System type: Core contract.

Clinical Pharmacists in General Practice

This service is designed to allocate funding to GPs for utilising a (senior) clinical pharmacist through the Clinical Pharmacists in General Practice Phase 2 programme. Find out more about this service, including the benefits and how it’s commissioned and provided.

Purpose and outline

Service relates to continuation of NHS England Clinical Pharmacist in General Practice Scheme. Details of scheme previously agreed with the General Practitioners Committee.

In July 2015, NHS England launched a pilot scheme to support clinical pharmacists working in general practice. This service is to support the remainder of practices still eligible under the scheme to claim reimbursement for the clinical pharmacists recruited through the Clinical Pharmacists in General Practice Phase 2 programme.

Benefits to GPs

These include:

  • supporting patients to get the best use of their medicines and identifying medicines related issues
  • expanding the general practice team, thus allowing reallocation of general practice workload
  • increasing GP practice capacity to see and help more members of the pubic
  • ensuring safer prescribing and improving patient safety and quality of care
  • benefits to the wider healthcare system
  • improvement in the clinical and cost-effective use of medicines.

For further information, please see the Service Specification.

Enquiries should be sent to for the attention of the pharmacists team.

How this service is commissioned and provided

This service is commissioned by NHS England.

This is a manual service with two components:

Upfront payment

Follow up service for on-going claims

The Upfront payment is paid once only and cannot be claimed in more than one financial year.

The indicators and fees for Component 2 (on-going claims) cover a pharmacist’s employment in year one (Y1), year two (Y2) and year three (Y3) of the Programme.

The following table shows the indicators to submit for year 1 (Y1), year 2 (Y2) and year 3 (Y3) of the pharmacist’s employment:

Indicator, Description, £ Per Item of Service

CPY1001, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 1 WTE, £3000

CPY1002, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.1 WTE, £300

CPY1003, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.2 WTE, £600

CPY1004, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.3 WTE, £900

CPY1005, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.4 WTE, £1200

CPY1006, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.5 WTE, £1500

CPY1007, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.6 WTE, £1800

CPY1008, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.7 WTE, £2100

CPY1009, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.8 WTE, £2400

CPY1010, Y1 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.9 WTE, £2700

CPY1011, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 1 WTE, £2416.66

CPY1012, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.1 WTE, £241.66

CPY1013, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.2 WTE, £483.33

CPY1014, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.3 WTE, £725

CPY1015, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.4 WTE, £966.66

CPY1016, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.5 WTE, £1208.33

CPY1017, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.6 WTE, £1450

CPY1018, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.7 WTE, £1691.66

CPY1019, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.8 WTE, £1933.33

CPY1020, Y1 Clinical Pharmacist 0.9 WTE, £2,174.99

CPY2021, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 1 WTE, £2000

CPY2022, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.1 WTE, £200

CPY2023, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.2 WTE, £400

CPY2024, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist, 0.3 WTE, £600

CPY2025, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.4 WTE, £800

CPY2026, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.5 WTE, £1000

CPY2027, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.6 WTE, £1200

CPY2028, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.7 WTE, £1400

CPY2029, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.8 WTE, £1600

CPY2030, Y2 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.9 WTE, £1800

CPY2031, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 1 WTE, £1666.66

CPY2032, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.1 WTE, £166.66

CPY2033, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.2 WTE, £333.33

CPY2034, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.3 WTE, £499.99

CPY2035, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.4 WTE, £666.66

CPY2036, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.5 WTE, £833.33

CPY2037, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.6 WTE, £999.99

CPY2038, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.7 WTE, £1166.66

CPY2039, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.8 WTE, £1333.32

CPY2040, Y2 Clinical Pharmacist 0.9 WTE, £1499.99

CPY3041,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 1 WTE, £1,083.33

CPY3042,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.1 WTE, £108.33

CPY3043,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.2 WTE, £216.66

CPY3044,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.3 WTE , £325.00

CPY3045,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.4 WTE , £433.33

CPY3046,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.5 WTE, £541.66

CPY3047,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.6 WTE , £650.00

CPY3048,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.7 WTE, £758.33

CPY3049,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.8 WTE, £866.66

CPY3050,  Y3 Senior Clinical Pharmacist 0.9 WTE, £975.00

CPY3051,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 1 WTE, £916.66

CPY3052,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.1 WTE, £91.66

CPY3053,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.2 WTE, £183.33

CPY3054,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.3 WTE, £275.00

CPY3055,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.4 WTE, £366.66

CPY3056,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.5 WTE, £458.33

CPY3057,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.6 WTE, £550.00

CPY3058,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.7 WTE, £641.66

CPY3059,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.8 WTE, £733.33

CPY3060,  Y3 Clinical Pharmacist 0.9 WTE, £825.00

Component 1: Clinical pharmacists in general practice up front payment 2022/23

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2022
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2023
  • Payment period: Annual
  • Collection frequency: Manual entry programme to be provided by CQRS
  • Manual or automatic entry: Manual
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, INPS, Microtest and Emis)
  • Co-commissioning: Regional Local Office/CCG
  • Service type: DES

Component 2: Clinical pharmacists in general practice 2022/23

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2022
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2023
  • Payment period: Monthly
  • Collection frequency: Manual entry programme to be provided by CQRS
  • Manual or automatic entry: Manual
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, INPS, Microtest and Emis)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • Service type: DES

Component 3: Clinical pharmacists in general practice 2022/23

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2022
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2023
  • Payment period: Monthly
  • Collection frequency: Manual entry programme to be provided by CQRS
  • Manual or automatic entry: Manual
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, INPS, Microtest and Emis)
  • Co-commissioning: No
  • Service type: DES

*to access this service on CQRS, please check that you have access to the correct service type. In CQRS, select ‘My Account’ from the top of the page to see a full list of all viewable services. If you don’t have access to this type of service, ask your user administrator to update your profile.

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

Payment count/clinical codes


Core GP Contract

Purpose and outline

The purpose of the Service is to support NHS England in ensuring practices are meeting contractual requirement as set out in the GMS Contract Regulations. This Service ensures standardised care and improved patient outcomes and provides the relevant management information to support practices and commissioners understand their performance and ensure they meet their core GMS contract requirements. 

Named GP, the Identification and Management of Patients with Frailty, dementia and alcohol are separate contractual requirements combined in this Service. An indicator counting the number of unpaid carers has been included to support delivery of government and Long Term Plan commitments on unpaid carers.

How this service is commissioned and provided

NHS England Regional teams and Sub ICB Locations commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England GP Contract Information

Information about this service:

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2022
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2025
  • Payment period: N/A – contractual requirement with no funding attached, participation only service in CQRS.
  • Collection frequency: Annual
  • System type: Core contract.

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Audit

Purpose and outline

CVD prevent is a national primary care audit to support professionally led quality improvement in the prevention of cardiovascular events in people with and without pre-existing CVD through the detection and management of significant risk factors, including atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, non-diabetic hyperglycaemia, and chronic kidney disease (NHS RightCare CVD Prevention Pathway). The audit will automatically extract routinely held GP data via the general practice extraction service (GPES) and there will be no additional data burden for GPs.

Information about this service:

  • Participation only in CQRS
  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2020
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2026
  • Collection frequency: Annually

Childhood 6-in-1 Vaccination Programme


This service is for the following patient groups receiving the Hexavalent DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB vaccination:

Children aged 8 weeks who have not yet attained 10 years old:

Each 6-in-1 vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an item of service fee.

Children aged 3 years 4 months who have not yet attained 10 years old:

Each DTaP/IPV or dTaP/IPV vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an item of service fee.

Patients aged 10 years and over: 

GP practices, who vaccinate patients from 10 years old and over, who present with incomplete or uncertain vaccination history, can claim reimbursement of an IoS fee.

This collection is not a proxy for appropriate clinical delivery and should be used just for payment purposes.

Purpose and outline

The purpose is to calculate, report and pay for activity undertaken in line with contractual agreement.

How this service is commissioned and provided

NHS England Regional team commissions this service from GP practices.

NHS England service specifications

NHS Employers Vaccination and Immunisation requirements

2022/25: Information about this service

Quality service start date: 1 April 2022

Quality service end date: 31 March 2025

Payment period: Monthly

Collection frequency: Monthly

Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection

Included in data collection: All GP system suppliers

Classification: Vaccination and Immunisation programme

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

NHS England, guidance, and technical requirements will be published here:

The legal documents (Regulations, DES Directions, and the Statement of Financial Entitlements) underpinning the GMS contract for [year] can be found here:

The requirements for this Service are covered by the SFE.

Payment count/clinical codes

Commissioners and practice should refer to our supporting business rules for information on management information counts and clinical codes.

Further information to support users can be found on the SNOMED CT Implementation in Primary Care site , including Codes to support Technical Requirements 18-19 – a document providing appropriate Read v2 and CTV3 codes for SNOMED CT concept ID.

Childhood Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme (Two and Three Year Olds)


In 2012, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommended the seasonal influenza programme be extended to all children aged 2 to under 17. The roll-out of this extended programme is being phased in over a period of time, to ensure a manageable and successful implementation process.

This enhanced service, delivered by GP practices, offers vaccination to all children aged two and three years. GP practices should offer vaccination, using the recommended vaccine, to all children aged two and three, but not children aged four years on 31 August 2022.

Four year olds have been removed from the enhanced service and transferred to school’s programme.

Purpose and outline

The influenza immunisation programmes are to protect those who are most at risk of serious illness should they develop influenza and to reduce transmission of the infection, thereby contributing to the protection of vulnerable patients who may have a suboptimal response to their own immunisations. In order to reduce the impact of influenza on children and lower influenza transmission to other children, adults and those in clinical risk groups of any age, GP practices are required to proactively identify all those for whom influenza immunisations are indicated and to compile a register of those patients for whom influenza immunisation is recommended.GP practices will receive an item of service (IoS) payment of £10.06 per dose in respect of each registered patient who is aged 2 and 3 years of age (but not aged less than 2 or aged four or over on 31 August 2023) who is vaccinated using the recommended vaccine from 1 September 2023 to 31 March 2024.

How this service is commissioned and provided

Regional Local Offices commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England service specifications

2023/24: Information about this service

Quality service start date: 01 September 2023

Quality service end date: 31 March 2024

Payment period: Monthly

Collection frequency: Monthly

Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection

Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and Emis)

System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.