Support available to CQRS Local Users

David O’Brien, Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) Local Training Lead, works closely with commissioners to support their transition to the new claims processing system and set up their localised schemes. He not only supports commissioners, but also provides training to practice managers on how to use CQRS Local to submit their claims.
Whilst the system is designed with a user-friendly interface to help users navigate the tool and its features, there is support available through various online resources and a service desk.
The CQRS Local website includes a page containing general FAQs regarding the system, why it was developed, how it differs to the CQRS National system, managing log in/access issues, and answers claims management queries.
CQRS Academy
David and his team have also created a series of e-learning modules, training guides and video tutorials which are available within the CQRS Academy – a hub for training materials. This is a useful resource for commissioner or service provider users of the system.
For new users transitioning to CQRS Local, there is a specific guide within the Academy. The ‘new service provider interface’ guide outlines a series of FAQs which are aimed at users who are unfamiliar with the new system.
David has been involved in the programme since the launch of CQRS Local and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. We asked David to share some common questions that are raised about CQRS Local.
Common FAQs
Q: Can anyone in the GP practice access CQRS Local?
A: Each person at the practice who needs to use the system will need to register for an account. The Commissioning Account Administrator will receive the notification request and approve the account. Once approved, an automated email will be sent to the user who should click on the link and follow the on-screen account activation instructions.
Q: Will we be able to submit multiple services per claim?
A: This is decided by the commissioner and users will be notified if they are allowed to do this.
Q: Can we change from a one-step to two-step claim practice and vice versa?
A: Yes, this can be done if you contact your commissioner.
Q: Can I still upload supporting evidence documents with claims?
A: Yes, you can upload multiple documents to support a claim. Any documents should not contain patient identifiable data such as NHS numbers, names, addresses, EMIS/TPP etc.
Q: How do I deal with a declined/rejected claim?
A: This is managed in the same way as the previous system. When the commissioner declines a claim, the system asks for a reason to be entered. This is seen by the service provider when the claim is returned.
Q: Can I recall a claim after it has been submitted?
A: Yes, claims can be recalled before it has been approved by a Tier 2 Commissioner.
Finally, if support is required that is not covered by the training resources and materials, users of CQRS National and CQRS Local can access a central service desk. Calls can be logged with the service desk by emailing or by calling 0330 124 4039.
Ongoing system developments are managed through a user group, whose members help to drive improvements. If you would like to get involved, please email