Network Contract DES (NCD) Payments 2025/26


Investment and evolution: The five-year framework for GP contract reform to implement The NHS Long Term Plan, published in January 2019, describes significant investment in Primary Care Networks (PCNs) through the Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES).

The seventh year of the Network Contract DES will begin in April 2025, the data being collected covers Early Cancer Diagnosis, Structured Medication Reviews and Tackling neighbourhood Inequalities.

Purpose and outline

The purpose is to support NHS England (NHSE) by providing the relevant data/information that is used by PCNs/practices and commissioners to acknowledge achievement and ultimately ensure payment is accurate and in line with the enhanced service specification.

How this service is commissioned and provided

NHS England service specification, guidance and technical requirements will be published here:

The requirements for this Service are covered by the Enhanced Service specification.

2025/26: Information about this service

Quality service start date: 1 April 2025

Quality service end date: 31 March 2026

Payment period: Annually

Collection frequency: Monthly

Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection

Co-commissioning: No

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

Network Contract DES (NCD) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 2025/26

This page features Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Network Contract DES (NCD) 2025/26.

Data is collected monthly by the data suppliers who extract data from clinical systems.
The Commissioner is to report this to ODS who will send us the PCN end date. Once received, this will automatically end the participation of the service for the practice and no further action is required by the Commissioner. Failure to follow this process will result in incorrect calculations at year end. Commissioners are not to apply service end dates.

For more information about Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES), please visit the NHS England website.

Shingles Vaccination Programme

Purpose and outline

In 2019 JCVI recommended the replacement of Zostavax with Shingrix and expansion of the cohorts in the Shingles Vaccination Programme. Replacement of Zostavax with the 2-dose Shingrix vaccine to the routine 70-79 year old cohort and a catch-up is being introduced for individuals from 65 years of age. Stocks of the Zostavax vaccine are still available and will therefore be used up before NHSE remove the relevant count from this service. For Shingrix, immunocompetent individuals will remain eligible until they attain the age of 80 years for first doses and 81 years for second doses. The changes also include the expansion of the immunocompromised cohort to include individuals aged 50 and over. There is no upper age limit for this cohort. The recommendations from JCVI will be implemented from September 2023. Practices are only paid for vaccinations carried out by the practice or sub-contracted by the practice, not for those given by other providers.

How this service is commissioned and provided

Region’s commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England service specifications

2023/24: Information about this service

  • Quality service start date: 1 September 2023
  • Quality service end date: 31 August 2024
  • Payment period: Monthly
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and Emis)
  • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I )

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF)


QOF payments

CQRS uses information collected by General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) on behalf of NHS England about General Practice (GP) achievement under the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). The information is used by CQRS to calculate GP achievement payments values for the current financial year, and to set aspiration payment values for the following year. QOF reporting collections are run throughout the year, but these are not used to calculate the payment made at the end of the financial year.

Reporting collections

QOF reporting collections run throughout the year, with the information made available in CQRS afterwards. This allows practices to check it against the information in their clinical systems throughout the year and address potential issues in advance of the year end period.

If collected information appears incorrect:

  • contact your clinical system supplier to check what information was collected
  • gather evidence to demonstrate correct information
  • contact your commissioner

We advise keeping CQRS final QOF achievement submission reports for future reference. QOF information is kept on CQRS for at least 5 years.

If the circumstances of your practice are due to change (closure, merge or split), please check with your GP practice system supplier to investigate if they will be sending an automated QOF extract for your practice for 31st March that will correctly reflect the state of your GP practice before the change takes place. If an automated collection that reflects the situation that you expect is being sent, no further actions are required beyond the standard year-end actions.

If an automated extract will not be supplied by your GP practice system supplier, you will need to manually enter your QOF achievement data.

For a step-by-step guide, refer to the Full Manual Entry Guide.

Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Year End Checklist

This guide describes the actions required from GP practices in preparation for the year-end data extract for Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF).

Check your practice’s QOF performance on your clinical system.
If necessary, take action to improve before submitting.
If required, ask your commissioner to submit updated Contractor Registered Population (CRP) for your practice to the CQRS Service Desk before 28 February 2025.
If you already have a CQRS log in, check that you can log in to the system and ensure your password and security questions are up to date.

If not already set up, ask your Commissioning Organisation to register a member of staff as a CQRS user/administrator, for example your practice manager.

Ask your user/administrator to set up logins for all staff members submitting QOF.
Ask all staff members submitting QOF data to check that they can log in.
Participate in QOF 2024/25 on CQRS before end of day 30th March 2025.
For a step-by-step guide, refer to Module 4 and Module 5 in our CQRS Training area
Contact your commissioning organisation if you have not received an offer of participation.
Participate in QOF 2025/26 on CQRS before end of day 30th March 2025 once it has been offered by your commissioner. Practices are expected to see the offer in CQRS from 12th March 2025. Find out how to agree to participate this by using the guide on our training site.
If a practice does have a QOF 23/24 achievement calculation or  has merged and the remaining practice does have a QOF 23/24 achievement calculation:
Manual entry of indicators is not required for the Quality Improvement (QI) indicators in 24/25. Data from QOF 23/24 will be copied over on the 11th March 2025. Changes to the indicators are possible to be made by commissioners only, however the changes will not be income protected.

If a practice does not have a QOF 23/24 achievement calculation (for example if a practice has been issued a new practice code) or has merged, and the remaining practice does not have a QOF 23/24 achievement:
An off system payment will need to be made for QOF 24/25 as the practice will be missing all income protected indicators. At year end, practices with missing data for these manual indicators will be identified and further communications will be provided to individual ICB’s

Related links

For further information visit the GP Contract page on the NHS England website.

Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) training is available. Log in details are not required.

The training provides a step-by-step guide for performing key processes in CQRS. This includes a guide to submitting and declaring achievement for payment for each of the Enhanced Services currently available on CQRS.

Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This page features Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF).

The national average practice list size used for the 24/25 achievement calculation is 9964.
The national average practice list size used for the 25/26 achievement calculation is yet to be confirmed by NHSE.
The value of a QOF point for 2024/25 is £220.62
The value of a QOF point for 2025/26 is yet to be confirmed by NHSE.
Manual entry of indicators is not required for the following indicators in 2024/2025, unless you are one of the small number of organisations that must enter data manually for all indicators.

The contractor can demonstrate continuous quality improvement activity focused upon workforce and wellbeing as specified in the QOF guidance

The contractor has participated in network activity to regularly share and discuss learning from quality improvement activity focused on workforce and wellbeing as specified in current QOF guidance. This would entail attending two primary care network meetings, at the start and towards the end of QI activity. If a practice is not within a PCN, the expectation is that two meetings would be held locally with other practices

The contractor can demonstrate that it has in place a recognised and validated approach to understanding demand/activity, capacity and appointment data and has made improvements to data quality to better reflect practice work.

The contractor can demonstrate that it has utilised demand and capacity data to inform operational decisions and plan for demand and capacity matching .

The contractor has participated in network activity to review the smart cards of all staff employed under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS), to ensure that the staff role assigned on their smart card aligns with the role they are employed under within the ARRS.

The contractor can demonstrate improvement in reducing avoidable appointments by:
1. Using BI tools, if available and practice collected data where not, to understand the practice activity including variations over the days of the week, time of day and time of year.
2. Developing an understanding of the telephone queue either by extracting data from their cloud-based telephony system or asking staff to collect data over a period.
3. Using that data to understand their peaks of activity and better matching their capacity to their demand by, for instance, reviewing rotas.
4. Using improvement techniques described in the Primary Care Transformation Team’s webinar series on Demand and Capacity which provides practical advice and guidance.
5. Referencing the Royal College of General Practitioner’s 6 steps to start to improve delivering continuity of care from their Continuity Toolkit for those who need it and adapting to suit the needs of the practice.
Income protection will be used to calculate QOF 24/25 achievement in CQRS. The calculation will use the previous performance for QOF 23/24 to calculate the achievement for the income protected indicators. Please see QOF framework guidance for further details.

Please see the scenarios below for guidance for your practices:

1. If a practice does have a QOF 23/24 achievement calculation:
Manual entry of indicators is not required for the below Quality Improvement (QI) indicators in 24/25. Data from QOF 23/24 will be copied over on the 11th March 2025. Changes to the indicators are possible to be made by commissioners only, however the changes will not be income protected.

2. If a practice does not have a QOF 23/24 achievement calculation (for example if a practice has been issued a new practice code):
An off system payment will need to be made for QOF 24/25 as the practice will be missing all income protected indicators
At year end, practices with missing data for these manual indicators will be identified and further communications will be provided to individual ICB’s

3. If a practice has merged and the remaining practice does have a QOF 23/24 achievement calculation
Manual entry of indicators is not required for the below QI indicators in 24/25. Data from QOF 23/24 will be copied over on the 11th March 2025. Changes to the indicators are possible to be made by commissioners only, however the changes will not be income protected.

4. If a practice has merged, and the remaining practice does not have a QOF 23/24 achievement
An off system payment will need to be made for QOF 24/25 as the practice will be missing all income protected indicators
At year end, practices with missing data for these manual indicators will be identified and further communications will be provided to individual ICB’s

Other Income Protected Indicators
No action is currently required for these indicators (QOF framework guidance).

For some practices it is not possible to collect QOF year-end achievement information automatically. These practices will be informed by the CSU Collaborative, their commissioner and/or their clinical system supplier and will need to enter this information into CQRS manually. Payment cannot be made to these practices until this is done.

Practices that need to manually enter QOF information include:

Shared practices: Practices sharing a clinical system need to separately enter their achievement manually as CQRS only collects automatically for one practice. 
Closing practices: Practices closing before the end of the financial year need to enter QOF achievement information manually into CQRS. Data must be entered up to the date that they close. Any manual data submitted for a closed practice prior to 11th March 2025 will not be subject to income protection and will calculate based on the submitted data. Any manual data submitted after 11th March 2025 will be subject to income protection. 
Others: Practices that cannot have information collected automatically for other reasons need to enter QOF achievement information into CQRS manually. 

If an automated extract will not be supplied by your GP practice system supplier, you will need to manually enter your QOF 2024/25 data.

If achievement is not calculated for QOF 24/25, further instructions will be communicated to the relevant ICB’s at the time of calculation. At year end, practices with missing data for these manual indicators will be identified and further communications will be provided.
If your GP practice is closing before 31 March, please perform the following actions:

Check the GP practice closure date on CQRS. If it is not correct, contact your commissioning organisation, who will need to update this via PCSE. If it has been updated.

Check that your participation in QOF ends on the same date that your GP practice closes. Please be advised this can only be checked by your commissioners.

Manually enter data for QOF achievement. Ensure that you set the date in CQRS for the period that you are entering data for. This should be the same as the practice closure date.
CQRS will not be provided with the information to correctly calculate QOF achievement for the merged or split section of a GP practice.

CQRS will calculate QOF achievement as if the GP practice has not undergone a split or merge.

Your commissioning organisation will need to manually determine the impact of the merge/split on the QOF payments and apply these through the PCSE system.
Practices will need to confirm with their clinical system that they will send the QOF data for 31st March to ensure the work carried out prior to the closure/merger/split is reflected. If the clinical system are set up to send this data for 31st March, no further action is required. If the clinical system closes down the extracts prior to 31st March, the practice will need to manually enter their QOF data as this will not extract.

No. The aspiration payment for any practices that we have achievement data for will be calculated following the QOF achievement calculation and release of payment files. The exact payment date will depend on local arrangements.
Standard aspiration payments will be applied where practices have fully completed entry of data. This includes:
– Where all information has been extracted and no manual entry is required
– Where data has been extracted and required manual entry has been completed
– Where all data has been manually entered. Practices where automated data is available and manual indicators have been entered where necessary.

Estimated aspiration payments

Estimated aspiration payments will be available where data in CQRS is incomplete. This includes:
– Practices where automated data is available from GPES, but the manual indicators have not been entered
– Practices where the automated data is not available for the year end extract from GPES but have entered data for the four required manual indicators
– Practices for which no data is available, from GPES or manual.

Once all required QOF data is supplied, the standard aspiration will be calculated, and an adjustment made.
Before undertaking any action, contact your commissioning organisation for advice – they may have an established process in place.

There is some reconciliation work required to ensure that practices are paid the appropriate aspiration which takes into account the QOF achievement for patients that merged into the practice during the QOF year.

To complete the reconciliation:
– provide updated CRP figures to the CQRS team so that CQRS can be updated to reflect the new practice list size including the merged patients

– the extract for QOF year-end will produce an interim achievement figure. This will be an inflated figure as it includes the new patients. Do not declare this figure.

– CQRS will calculate an interim aspiration figure – this will also be an inflated figure due to the list size adjustment

– the practice will need to go through and balance the achievement by checking each indicator and removing the counts for the patients that belonged to the closed practice up to the closing date of the practice. Once the counts for the patients that belong to the closed practice have been removed, the practice can evidence this to the commissioning organisation and declare the achievement.

Please note that adjustments applied as part of income protection do not need to be amended.

– aspiration payments will then be adjusted for the rest of the financial year to ensure that the right amount is paid. This is likely to be less than the initial payments.
Following the completion of the calculation (on or after 8th April), you will be able to:
– log in to CQRS
– select the Reports Tab (it should default to Achievement)
– select the report Achievement Summary

Then, select the parameters:
– select the Financial Year option and set the achievement year
– select the Quality Service option and set to Quality and Outcomes Framework for the relevant year
– select the achievement date 31/03/2025
– select the option to Run Report

The QOF achievement data for your GP practice should then be displayed. Initially this will show the domains, the total achievement, any adjustments, CPI calculation and Contract duration. You can then access further information within each domain by clicking on it. This will display the Indicator Groups. Clicking in each of the indicators will display further information, including how the QOF achievement has been calculated.
The contractor population index (CPI) adjustment has been included in the QOF calculation since 2004. A description can be found in the Statement of Financial Entitlements (SFE) and in all previous versions available on the government’s website. The CPI calculation was performed on all historical QOF payments on the QMAS system, and now CQRS, in accordance with the details in the SFE.
CPI adjustment is calculated on the practice list size divided by the national average.
Two reports are available for commissioners under the Data Entry tab.

1. Data Entry Quality Service Data Complete
Select the Quality Service relevant to QOF for the achievement year and click Run Report. The report will list all GP practices within your commissioning area who are participating in QOF for that year and have completed their manual indicators.

2. Data Entry Quality Service Data Missing
Select the Quality Service ‘QOF’ and click Run Report. The report will list all GP practices within your commissioning area who are participating in QOF but have not completed their manual indicators.
Achievement data will start becoming visible in CQRS following the completion of the calculation (on or after 8th April). Some practices may see this data a few days later if their data is collected via additional extractions.

In line with previous years, once the achievement payment has been approved, CQRS will adjust the standard aspiration as required to reflect the actual QOF achievement.
If your practice disagrees with the achievement payment values calculated in CQRS:
– assemble evidence in support of the disagreement and inform your commissioning organisation
– if the numerator, denominator or exceptions are incorrect, contact your GP system supplier and obtain the relevant evidence
– provide full evidence to your commissioning organisation. They will be required to review the evidence and negotiate an adjustment

The CQRS team cannot resolve disputes or update your data in CQRS. Amendments to data as a result disputes and queries are actioned by your commissioning organisation.
The calculated figure is based on the data extracted from your GP system. The calculation in CQRS is rigorously tested and we are confident that the calculation method is correct. If it is not what you are expecting to see, then you need to query this with your GP system supplier in the first instance.

The calculation includes several factors, so it is unlikely that a locally calculated figure will match the figure in the system.
Indicator calculation:

Actual achievement/Maximum potential achievement x Points available for indicator x Value of a QOF point x Adjustment prevalence (patient set/CRP)/National prevalence (average prevalence)
GPs are encouraged to retain clinical system audit reports. This supports any post verification work and assists reconciliation against the final CQRS report. CQRS will retain QOF data for five years.

Page updated: 20 February 2025

Rotavirus Vaccination Programme

Purpose and outline

Following a recommendation by the JCVI, from 1 July 2013, vaccination against rotavirus was introduced to the national childhood immunisation programme to protect infants against rotavirus. The purpose of this collection is to calculate, report and pay for activity undertaken in line with contractual agreement.

Practices are only paid for vaccinations carried out by the practice not for those given by other providers.

How this service is commissioned and provided

Regions commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England service specifications

2025/28: Information about this service

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
  • Payment period: Monthly
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
  • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme


The seasonal flu programme is a long-established vaccination programme that is proven to save lives and deliver a cost-effective prevention programme. High levels of flu immunisation is one of the most effective interventions that can be made to reduce harm from flu and pressures on health and social care services during the winter. The annual immunisation programme is a critical element of the system-wide approach for delivering robust and resilient health and care services throughout the year, helping to reduce unplanned hospital admissions and pressure on A&E

Purpose and outline

The seasonal flu programme is a long-established vaccination programme that is proven to save lives and deliver a cost-effective prevention programme. High levels of flu immunisation is one of the most effective interventions that can be made to reduce harm from flu and pressures on health and social care services during the winter. The annual immunisation programme is a critical element of the system-wide approach for delivering robust and resilient health and care services throughout the year, helping to reduce unplanned hospital admissions and pressure on A&E. For 2023/24 seasonal flu will continue to allow vaccinations of both General Medical Service-registered (covers GMS, PMS and APMS practices) and INT-registered patients.

How this service is commissioned and provided

Region’s commission this service from GP practices.

2023/24: Information about this service

  • Quality service start date: 01 September 2023
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2024
  • Payment period: Monthly
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and Emis)
  • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

Network Contract DES (NCD) Payments 2024/25

Network Contract DES (NCD) Payments 2024/25


Investment and evolution: The five-year framework for GP contract reform to implement The NHS Long Term Plan, published in January 2019, describes significant investment in Primary Care Networks (PCNs) through the Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES). As part of the Network Contract DES, investment is being made to support expansion of the primary care workforce and the implementation of seven national Network Service Requirements between 2019/20 and 2023/24 through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). The sixth year of the Network Contract DES began in April 2024 and the data being collected develops the indicators created since 19/20 around the ARRS and the seven service specifications, covering CVD, Enhanced Health in Care Homes, Proactive Care, Personalised Care, Early Cancer Diagnosis, Structured Medication Reviews and Tackling neighbourhood Inequalities.

Purpose and outline

The purpose is to support NHS England (NHSE) by providing the relevant data/information that is used by PCNs/GP practices and commissioners to acknowledge achievement and ultimately ensure payment is accurate and in line with the enhanced service specification.

How this service is commissioned and provided

NHS England service specification, guidance and technical requirements will be published here: Network Contract DES 2024/25 Specification. The service is commissioned by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

2024/25 Information about this service

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2024
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2025
  • Payment period: Annually
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
  • Co-commissioning: No

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

Network Contract DES (NCD) 2024/25 Year End Checklist

ActionTo be completed byDeadline
1. Verify all practices with an active PCN membership have had their NCD 24/25 service offered and auto accepted on their behalfCommissionersMonday 31st March 2025
2. Manually enter data for the denominator EHCH-01 before the April 25th automated collection for the remaining GPES dataCommissioners or PCN LeadsFriday April 25th 2025 / Before Service Provider Approval
3. Manually enter data for any missing indicators under the Data Submission tabCommissionersBefore Service Provider Approval
4.  Confirm the ‘subject to declare’ indicators CAN04 and HI03 have been declared by the service provider.PCN LeadsBefore Awaiting Commissioning Organisation Approval
5. Verify achievement has calculated and a payment is available to be declared in the Achievement tab. Check accuracy of payment and aggregated data indicators and if they require updatingPCN LeadsBefore Payment Approval Date
6. Financially approve achievement to ensure a payment by the payment agency (PCSE).CommissionersFinancial Approval

The below lists the year-end actions required to ensure an accurate NCD achievement calculation:

Ensure any practices with an active PCN membership have had their NCD2024/25 service offered and auto accepted on their behalf.
Please manually enter data for the denominator EHCH-01 (Number of care home beds aligned to the PCN) if required as otherwise it will default to 0 if not manually entered for achievement to be approved before Service Provider payment approval date.
Please check the CRP figure for practices within your PCNs if there has been or will be a change of circumstances that will affect the Patient list size that is utilised in the year-end NCD Achievement calculation, we recommend checking  the CRP figure against 1st January 2025 and if a change is required submit the amendment form to:  by 28th February 2025 end of day to enable an accurate achievement calculation.
Input any missing NCD indicator level data into CQRS. A guide on how to identify missing data for the NCD2024/25 service can be found as a training guide.
Commissioners are to declare achievement once all data has been inputted either by automated extraction or manual entry, achievement has calculated and all subject to declare indicators have been approved by the service provider.

The expected dates for payments and approvals are below:

For PCNs to be paid on June 20th, commissioners will need to approve the payment by Friday June 6th, 2025
For PCNs to be paid on July 18th, commissioners will need to approve the payment by Friday July 4th, 2025
For PCNs to be paid on August 20th, commissioners will need to approve the payment by Wednesday August 6th, 2025

Network Contract DES (NCD) 2024/25 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The below features Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Network Contract DES (NCD) 2024/25.

The value of the NCD £ per point is £198.00.
Data is collected monthly by the data suppliers who extract data from clinical systems.
The Commissioner is to report this to ODS who will send us the PCN end date. Once received, this will automatically end the participation of the service for the practice and no further action is required by the Commissioner. Failure to follow this process will result in incorrect calculations at year end. Commissioners are not to apply service end dates within CQRS.
All subject to declare indicators (payment indicators) must be entered.
Please ensure you have checked your NCD 2024/25 Achievement before you financially approve as it cannot be amended once submitted and will have to be manually corrected off system if required later.
No, there has been no aspiration payment for the NCD 2024/25 Service.
Only commissioners can amend data for the NCD 2024/25 indicators.
Please see the following guidance on how to amend manually submitted data:
PCNs calculations can be approved following resolution of the dispute at any point. They will be paid in conjunction with the next appropriate payment run for PCNs. We have highlighted June, July, and August because they are within the time set out in the specification documents. The calculation process is reliant on an aggregation calculation taking place in CQRS and the frequency of that aggregation is substantially reduced later in the financial year.
Mergers depend on the timing and request of the GP Clinical System Supplier (GPSS), particularly if the practices merging are on different systems. Practices and commissioners should speak with the GPSS to understand what the merger will do with the data and how the extractions taking place in April will be affected. Appropriate adjustments will need to be made where required.
Manually entered data for automatic indicators will be overwritten if an extraction takes place. Please note the timing of manual entry.
Scenario 1
If a practice leaves a PCN and is NOT joining another, the Commissioner is to report this to ODS who will then send us a PCN end date. Once the PCN end date is received, the practice will be removed from the PCN in CQRS and from any PCN service participation.
Scenario 2
If a practice leaves a PCN and joins another, the Commissioner is to report the change to ODS who will then send CQRS helpdesk the PCN end date for the old PCN and the start date of the new PCN. The Commissioner will then need to cancel the service offer under the old PCN, re-offer the service under the new PCN to pick the joined practice up and then re-offer the service back to the old PCN.
If a Commissioner does not follow the above processes and they apply a service end date to the practice in the service offer instead, the achievement will not aggregate and will become stuck in the ‘awaiting network achievement’ status. This is because the system still has the practice linked to the PCN and is awaiting its data. The Commissioner will need to make an off the system payment and report the change to ODS for achievements moving forward.
If the Commissioner has applied a service end date and then contacted ODS, the system will not update the change until the Commissioner has removed the service end date. As soon as they amend the service end date back to its original end date, the file will process overnight within CQRS and remove the practice from the PCN.
There is requirement to manually enter denominator data for EHCH-01 (Number of care home beds aligned to the PCN) or default to 0. If you require any support accessing the data, please contact your commissioner. Care home bed data is also used in PCSE online to support the Care Home Premium PCN payment, which is managed separately to the EHCH-01 indicator within CQRS.
Data is extracted and transmitted to CQRS for NCD from the following data source: – GPES
NCD data is calculated at PCN level. This means that each practice within the PCN will have data extracted individually which is then aggregated (totalled/added together) to produce an overall achievement. This achievement is for the whole PCN (all practices achievements added together).
After extraction, practices can view their data under the data submission tab when logged in as the practice.
The contract specification contains the process if the PCN understands that the data in CQRS is inaccurate. The PCN should engage their commissioner and provide evidence so that the amendments to the data can be considered and applied if agreed.
If a practice does not dispute their data and are happy with all the figures, they are to let their PCN Nominated Payee know so that the data can be aggregated as final figures for the PCN.
If any practice data is missing, you will have up until the 6th of August 2025 to enter the data on CQRS and have it financially approved for aggregation to be re-run in time for the final August 20th Payment.
The ARRS is not processed on CQRS. A link to the system for ARRS claims can be found here:
There are usually 2 users nominated as the PCN Nominated Payee for each PCN. Once all GP Practices within the PCN have confirmed the data, it is the responsibility of the PCN Nominated Payee to declare the NCD achievement. This achievement amount is the overall figure for all practices within the PCN.
The PCN Nominated Payee can run the achievement summary report against 31/03/2025 to view the overall amount. This can be done by following the steps below:
– Go to Reports tab
– Go to Achievement subtab
– Go to Achievement summary report
– Select the financial year
– Leave the payment types
– Select the service
– Ensure the PCN is ticked
– Select 31/03/2025 achievement date
– Run report
They can drill down into each domain to check the overall achievements for each area.
They can also view the achievement via the dashboard. This can be done by following the steps below:
– Go to Achievements tab
– Go to Network declaration management sub-tab
– Select the financial year
– Select the service
– Select the achievement date
A GP practice can check their data by following the below steps:
– Go to Data submission tab
– Select the financial year
– Select the service
– Select the achievement date from the ‘last updated’ section
– Click the relevant domain and check figures in the indicators
A GP practice PCN performance report can be run by following the following steps:
–  Go to report tab
–  Go to Data entry subtab
–  Go to GP Practice PCN performance
–  Select the financial year
–  Select the service
–  Ensure the practice code is populated and tick the check box to the left
–  Select the achievement date
–  Run report
The report will download as an excel document. It will only display data and not achievement amounts.
They can also view the achievement via the dashboard if they have the PCN view permission. This can be done by following the steps below:
– Go to Achievements tab
– Go to Network declaration management sub-tab
– Select the financial year
– Select the service
– Select the achievement date
Once the achievement has been declared it is sent to the Commissioner for the first level approval as the overall achievement amount.
The Commissioner will need to approve the achievement by following the below steps:
–  Go to Achievements tab
–  Select the financial year
–  Select the ‘awaiting commissioning organisation approval’ status
–  Select the service
–  Parent organisation to be ‘all’
–  The achievement to and from date should auto populate
–  Select the relevant achievements
–  Select ‘approve’
The second level approval will then need to be made which is the same steps as first level approval but changing the status:
–  Go to Achievements tab
–  Select the financial year
–  Select the ‘awaiting financial approval’ status
–  Select the service
–  Parent organisation to be ‘all’
–  The achievement to and from date should auto populate
–  Select the relevant achievements
–  Select ‘approve’
Commissioners can run the bulk achievement report for all practices to see data by using the following steps:
–  Go to Reports tab
–  Go to Achievement subtab
–  Go to Bulk achievement export
– Select the financial year
– Select the payment type
– Select the service
– Select the start and end date
– Run report
The report will download and will open in excel format and shows data only but no achievement values.
The Commissioner can run the provider payment declaration report to view the overall achievement amount. They cannot view data at individual practice level. This can be done by following the steps below:
–  Go to Reports tab
–  Go to Declaration subtab
–  Go to Provider payment declaration report tab
–  Select the financial year
–  Leave the payment types
–  Select the service
–  Select ‘all’ practices
–  Run report
Please note if the nominated payee is not a GP Practice, the report will display as ‘awaiting data’. This is because the report is only designed to show amounts for PCN’s whose nominated payee is a GP Practice.
If the nominated payee is not a GP Practice, payment is not sent to PCSE – the Commissioner is to handle this off the system.
The Commissioner can also run the DPA report which will display at PCN level (overall amount):
–  Go to Report tab
–  Go to Achievement subtab
–  Select Detailed provider achievement report
–  Select the financial year
–  Ignore the payment types
–  Select the service
–  Select the PCNs
–  Select the achievement date
–  Run report
The reaggregation job is carried out every day overnight in CQRS. This is currently set for seven months from the 31st of March 2025 Achievement date.
Achievement for NCD 2024/25 service is expected to become available to view from Thursday 29th of May 2025.

Network Contract DES (NCD) 2024/25 Indicator List

Indicator IDs

  • ACC09
  • ACC15
  • CAN04
  • CAN03
  • CVD10
  • CVD11
  • CVD13
  • CVD14
  • CVD03
  • CVD04
  • CVD07
  • CVD08
  • CVD01
  • EHCH01
  • EHCH02
  • EHCH04
  • EHCH05
  • EHCH14
  • EHCH24
  • EHCH27
  • EHCH28
  • EHCH29
  • ES01
  • HI03
  • PC01
  • PC02
  • PC03
  • PC14
  • PC15
  • PC17
  • PC20
  • PR001
  • PR002
  • RESP01
  • RESP02
  • SMR01A
  • SMR01B
  • SMR01C
  • SMR01D
  • SMR02A
  • SMR02B
  • SMR02C
  • SMR02D
  • SMR03
  • SMR25
  • SMR26
  • SMR30
  • SMR31
  • SMR32
  • SMR33
  • SMR34
  • SMR35
  • SMR36
  • SMR37
  • HI08
  • HI09
  • HI17
  • HI18
  • HI21
  • HI01
  • HI02
  • HI04
  • HI27
  • VI01
  • VI02
  • VI03

For more information about Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES), please visit the NHS England website.

Pertussis in Pregnant Women Vaccination Programme

Purpose and outline

The purpose of the service specification is to enable NHS England to commission pertussis in pregnant women immunisation services of sufficient quantity and quality to prevent the infections and outbreaks caused by these organisms

The JCVI advised that pertussis in pregnant women vaccination programme should be extended for at least 5 years. JCVI considered that immunisation could be offered at one of the routine antenatal appointments and that immunisation within weeks 16 to 32 of pregnancy is likely to be optimal. Immunisation within weeks 16 to 38 of pregnancy may ensure greater overlap between the period of maximal antibody levels in the pregnant woman and the period of trans placental antibody transfer. Offering immunisation from 28 weeks would provide some protection to infants born prematurely who may be particularly vulnerable to complications from pertussis.

How this service is commissioned and provided

Regions commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England service specifications

2025/28: Information about this service

  • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
  • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
  • Payment period: Monthly
  • Collection frequency: Monthly
  • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
  • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
  • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination (PPV) Vaccination Programme

Purpose and outline

The pneumococcal vaccines protect against pneumococcal infections caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia. The pneumococcus is one of the most frequently reported causes of bacteraemia and meningitis and it is the commonest cause of community-acquired pneumonia.

Invasive pneumococcal disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality and can affect anyone. However, it particularly affects the very young, the elderly and those with impaired immunity or chronic conditions.

This programme delivers vaccinations for patients aged 65 or over and at-risk patients aged 2 years to 64 years inclusive.

PPV is the only vaccine recommended for the patients eligible under this programme (PCV if for smaller children) and only one dose is required per patient which provides life-time cover. For a small number of at-risk patients, vaccination every five years is required.

Practices are only paid for vaccinations carried out by the practice, not for those given by other providers.

How this service is commissioned and provided

Regions commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England service specifications

2025/28: Information about this service

Quality service start date: 1 April 2025

Quality service end date: 31 March 2028

Payment period: Monthly

Collection frequency: Monthly

Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection

Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)

System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

    MMR and MMRV Vaccination Programme

    Purpose and outline

    We require an automated payment service for the following patient groups receiving MMR and MMRV vaccinations: 

    Children aged 0-5 years: 

    Each vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an item of service (IoS) fee.  

    Children aged 6-10 years:  

    Each vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an IoS fee

    Children and Adults aged 11 years and over: 

    Patients aged 11 and over who were previously unvaccinated, will accrue an IoS fee

    MMRV Single Dose Varicella Catch Up (already fully MMR vaccinated; age under 11 at 1st January 2026): 

    Children aged 1-5 years at point of vaccination:  

    Each vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an IoS fee.  

    Children aged 6 and over at point of vaccination: 

    Each vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an IoS fee. 

    Practices are only paid for vaccinations carried out by the practice, not for those given by other providers.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service for GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation programme (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

    Page updated: 19 February 2025

    Hepatitis B (Newborn Babies) Vaccination Programme

    Purpose and outline

    Babies whose mothers are diagnosed with Hepatitis B are at increased risk from Hep B and are currently offered a 3-dose selective schedule of vaccination.

    Due to discontinuation of Menitorix, all children aged 18 months will be offered a new appointment from December 2025 to receive a 6-in-1 vaccine which contains Hep B. It will not be necessary for the selective group to receive the current completing 3rd monovalent dose at 12 months so this dose will be removed from the selective childhood schedule. GP practices are required to carry out a heel prick test between 12 and 18 months and update the infant’s records with the result of the test to confirm the babies Hep B status. 

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service for GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

    Page updated: 19 February 2025

    HPV Vaccination Programme

    Purpose and outline

    The HPV vaccine is routinely provided by schools. However, some students may miss the schools programme and present to their GP practice for vaccination. Vaccination is to be provided opportunistically or on request for those aged 14 up to, but not including the age of 25 years if the patient has missed the schools provision. On 5 August 2022 JCVI recommended a move from a two-dose, to a one dose schedule for the routine adolescent programme up to, but not including the age of 25 years. This change will align general practice provision with the school’s programme implemented from 1 September 2023. The change will not apply to those individuals who are known to have a HIV status or who are known to be immunocompromised who should be offered a three-dose schedule.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service from GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications.

    2025/28:Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

    Learning Disability Health Check Scheme

    Purpose and outline

    GP practices are entitled to a monthly health check completion payment as agreed by the contractual negotiations comprising £140.00 for each patient aged 14 years or over in the financial year on the practice’s Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Learning Disability register who received a compliant health check delivered by the practice in that month. Only one payment may be made as regards to any patient in any one financial year.

    This service is an enhanced service that is agreed with the General Practitioners Committee England arm of the British Medical Association (BMA). This service will support delivery and payment of the service. It will also provide important activity data which will support future commissioning decisions made by NHS England.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    This service will be offered to GP Practices by their Commissioner.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

    Page updated: 19 February 2025

    Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) Vaccination Programme

    Purpose and outline

    The purpose of the service is to enable NHS England to commission MenACWY immunisation services of sufficient quantity and quality to prevent the infections and outbreaks caused by these organisms.

    The JCVI advised that there was an outbreak of Meningococcal W in 2016 and a vaccination programme of all 14-18 year old patients was agreed. To achieve this the completing dose and those aged 18 years on 31 August programmes have now been combined in to one programme for those who attained the age of 14 years but not yet attained 25 years who have not been vaccinated under the schools programme.

    The conjugate vaccine (ACWY) will be provided by central supply for all patients in this cohort.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service from GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

    Meningococcal B (MenB) Infant Vaccination Programme

    Purpose and outline

    This service enables NHS England to commission MenB immunisation services to effectively prevent infections and outbreaks caused by meningococcal bacteria.

    This routine immunisation programme consists of a three-dose schedule: the primary course includes two doses at 2 and 4 months, to ensure optimum protection for babies before the peak incidence at five months and a booster dose at 12 to 13 months providing long term protection.

    Practices are only paid for vaccinations administered by the practice not for those given by other healthcare providers.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service from GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    • Quality service start date: 1 April 2025
    • Quality service end date: 31 March 2028
    • Payment period: Monthly
    • Collection frequency: Monthly
    • Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection
    • Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and Emis)
    • System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

    Childhood 6-in-1 Vaccination Programme

    Purpose and outline

    This Service is for the following patient groups receiving the Hexavalent DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB vaccination: 

    Children aged 8 weeks who have not yet attained 10 years old: 

    Each 6-in-1 vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an item of service fee.

    Children aged 3 years 4 months who have not yet attained 10 years old:

    Each DTaP/IPV or dTaP/IPV vaccine delivered to a child in this cohort will accrue an item of service fee.

    Patients aged 10 years and over: 

    GP practices, who vaccinate patients from 10 years old and over, who present with incomplete or uncertain vaccination history, can claim reimbursement of an IoS fee.  

    This collection is not a proxy for appropriate clinical delivery and should be used just for payment purposes.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regions commission this service for GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2025/28: Information about this service

    Quality service start date: 1 April 2025

    Quality service end date: 31 March 2028

    Payment period: Monthly

    Collection frequency: Monthly

    Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection

    Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Medicus and EMIS)

    System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service. Activity and achievement should be recorded monthly.

    Page updated: 19 February 2025

    Childhood Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme (Two and Three Year Olds)


    In 2012, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommended the seasonal influenza programme be extended to all children aged 2 to under 17. The roll-out of this extended programme is being phased in over a period of time, to ensure a manageable and successful implementation process.

    This enhanced service, delivered by GP practices, offers vaccination to all children aged two and three years. GP practices should offer vaccination, using the recommended vaccine, to all children aged two and three, but not children aged four years on 31 August 2022.

    Four year olds have been removed from the enhanced service and transferred to school’s programme.

    Purpose and outline

    The influenza immunisation programmes are to protect those who are most at risk of serious illness should they develop influenza and to reduce transmission of the infection, thereby contributing to the protection of vulnerable patients who may have a suboptimal response to their own immunisations. In order to reduce the impact of influenza on children and lower influenza transmission to other children, adults and those in clinical risk groups of any age, GP practices are required to proactively identify all those for whom influenza immunisations are indicated and to compile a register of those patients for whom influenza immunisation is recommended. GP practices will receive an item of service (IoS) payment of £10.06 per dose in respect of each registered patient who is aged 2 and 3 years of age (but not aged less than 2 or aged four or over on 31 August 2023) who is vaccinated using the recommended vaccine from 1 September 2023 to 31 March 2024.

    How this service is commissioned and provided

    Regional Local Offices commission this service from GP practices.

    NHS England service specifications

    2023/24: Information about this service

    Quality service start date: 01 September 2023

    Quality service end date: 31 March 2024

    Payment period: Monthly

    Collection frequency: Monthly

    Manual or automatic entry: Automatic data collection

    Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and Emis)

    System type: Vaccination and Immunisation (V&I)

    Service user guides

    The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.