Services that do not generate a payment

Purpose and outlineThe NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a feedback collection system for providers of NHS funded services. The FFT uses a simple question with a range of possible responses from “very good” to “very poor” and includes “don’t know”. Providers are allowed to choose their collection mode, e.g. postcards, websites, phone calls, SMS etc – and are encouraged to use a range of collection modes. Implementation requires monthly data submission to NHS England from each GP practice, setting out the number of responses received in each response category, and through each collection mode. 

How this service is commissioned and provided: This service is commissioned by NHS England. For more information, visit the NHS England website.

Information about this service:

Quality service start date: 1 April 2023

Quality service end date: 31 July 2025

Payment period : No payment

Collection frequency: Monthly

Manual or automatic entry: Manual

Service type: Core contract

Purpose and outline

The purpose of the Service is to support NHS England in ensuring practices are meeting contractual requirement as set out in the GMS Contract Regulations. This Service ensures standardised care and improved patient outcomes and provides the relevant management information to support practices and commissioners understand their performance and ensure they meet their core GMS contract requirements. 

Named GP, the Identification and Management of Patients with Frailty, dementia and alcohol are separate contractual requirements combined in this Service. An indicator counting the number of unpaid carers has been included to support delivery of government and Long Term Plan commitments on unpaid carers.

How this service is commissioned and provided

NHS England regional teams commission this service from GP practices.

NHS England GP Contract Information

Information about this service

Quality service start date: 1 April 2022

Quality service end date: 31 March 2023

Payment period: N/A – contractual requirement with no funding attached

Collection frequency: Annual

Manual or automatic entry: Manual

Co-commissioning: No

System type: Core contract.

Purpose and outline

As part of the contractual agreement for 2023/24, it was agreed to continue collecting information relating to indicators no longer in QOF.

The INLIQ service contains indicators retired from payment through the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), the funding for these indicators was transferred into Global Sum (general practice baselines). 

Not all the indicators that are removed from QOF will move to INLIQ, only those where it is felt that continued data would be useful are collected through the service. 

For future years, further retirements would be considered for ongoing collections and the indicators in this collection would also be reviewed to check to appropriateness of continuing to collect the data.

Information about this service

Quality service start date: 1 April 2023

Quality service end date: 31 March 2024

Payment period: N/A – contractual requirement with no funding attached

Collection frequency: Annually

Manual or automatic entry: Automatic

Included in data collection: All system suppliers (TPP, Cegedim and EMIS)

System type: Retired QOF QS report

Service user guides

The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) user guides describe how to participate, manually enter and declare achievement for this service.

Payment count/clinical codes

No payments associated.

Further information to support users can be found on the SNOMED CT Implementation in Primary Care site , including Codes to support Technical Requirements 18-19 – a document providing appropriate Read v2 and CTV3 codes for SNOMED CT concept ID.